Lucille & Eddie Roberts

The Roberts were Lucille (c.1909-1977) and Eddie (?-?) Roberts, a husband and wife comedy mentalism act well known for performing a Second Sight routine from the 1940s to the 1960s. They used the billing, “What’s on Your Mind?”

They married around 1930 and soon became a struggling mental act until they joined The Great Nicolo in 1938. As his assistants, they presented their telepathy act in the show. When Nicola retired after losing the stage show when the ship they were touring on hit a mine in a Singapore harbor in 1939, The Roberts continued on performing in the nightclub circuit.

See more about The Roberts at MagicPedia.

2 thoughts on “Lucille & Eddie Roberts

  1. Neat postcard of my parents! Had no idea such a web site existed to memorialize a very interesting group of people, many of whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. Thank you for making my day! Patti

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